History at Harriers Banbury Academy Banbury Academy:

Intent, Implementation and Impact



At Harriers Banbury Academy, we want to provide a History curriculum which engages and inspires pupils’ curiosity aiming to equip them with coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. In addition, we want to demonstrate how the process of change impacts their identity and challenges faced in their lifetime.

Therefore, we have created three whole school threads which disseminate from our curriculum intent:

  1. The impact of an era studied has had on modern day life (local context)
  2. Life of a child in that era
  3. The impact of chronology throughout British, local and world History looking at crime and punishment.

These threads are weaved purposefully throughout our units so that the pupils are able to learn new knowledge and skills within the context they are studying.  We want our pupils to be curious and knowledgeable in how History has impacted on a local scale, in relation to Banbury and the surrounding areas.


We have created a comprehensive History curriculum that has a clear progression of knowledge and skills throughout the Key Stages.

  • History is taught in knowledge and skill rich units across the academic year, including cross curricular links within other units.
  • We ensure the knowledge and skills the pupils acquire throughout each unit of learning have been mapped to ensure progression across the whole school curriculum.
  • Each unit of learning offers the pupils the opportunity to reflect and revisit previous learning, both within the year group they are currently in and previous year groups.
  • Each unit of learning allows the pupils to discover how historical events have impacted their grandparent’s lives, their parent’s lives and their own lives, whilst considering what life will be like in the future as a result of these events.
  • We offer the pupils many opportunities to immerse themselves in local History including visits to Banbury Museum, Roman Baths, Cadburys World and London.
  • We offer the pupils an extensive range of strategies to deepen their knowledge which in turn commits to their long term memory.
  • We also provide the pupils with concrete and pictorial primary and secondary sources of information to embed knowledge and skills.
  • We are confident that by the end of their academic journey here at Harriers Banbury Academy, the pupils will have a chronological understanding of world and local History, and the impact this has had on their lives.



  • The pupils are inspired, engaged and curious about History on a local, national and world scale. This will be demonstrated through pupil voice.
  • The pupils demonstrate an extensive knowledge and understanding of local, national and world History.
  • The pupils are able to reflect on how historical events have impacted their grandparent’s lives, their parent’s lives and their own lives, whilst considering what life will be like in the future.
  • The pupils demonstrate analytical thinking and ask perceptive questions when discussing historical events and eras.
  • The pupils demonstrate they can think critically, whilst weighing up evidence to develop perspective and judgement.

The pupil’s progress will be assessed through outcomes of assignments and formatively assessed termly throughout the year. This will also be evidenced in books throughout the year.

Where next


19th – 20th March 2024: Ofsted Inspection Dear Parents and Carers, We are pleased to share positive comments from our recent Ofsted inspection and celebrate…

Harriers Banbury Academy is a GOOD school

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