SMSC and British Values

At Harriers Banbury Academy, we strive for the very best for every child: supporting and challenging them to attain high academic standards, but, equally importantly, supporting and challenging them to be well-adjusted, confident, resilient citizens who aspire to be the best they can be in an ever-changing world.

Our Aspirations form the basis of everything we do: our ethos, our community spirit and our curriculum.  The Aspirations (Self Worth: Belonging, Heroes, Sense of Accomplishment; Sense of Purpose:  Leadership and Responsibility, Confidence to Take Action and Engagement:  Curiosity and Creativity, Spirit of Adventure and Fun and Excitement) work alongside and integrate fully with the aims of SMSC and British Values.

SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) is at the very heart of our school – from the lunchtime staff helping children at playtimes; the TA’s support and nurturing; to the teachers’ caring, friendly and professional approach; to the office staff who know and help all our families; to the Family Support Worker and Learning Mentor who help guide and support disadvantaged or struggling pupils; to the senior leadership team who are actively involved with pupils and to the children themselves, who support and care for each other.

SMSC at Harriers Banbury Academy

SMSC at harriers poster
Find out how Harriers Banbury Academy teaches SMSC

British Values at Harriers Banbury Academy

As a school with a diverse community, British Values are also an integral part of our school and learning.  We bring together the community through observing special festivals of different faiths, marking national days (St George’s Day) and participating in annual charity events such as Children in Need and The Shoebox Appeal.

British Values at Harriers

Find out how Harriers Banbury Academy teaches British values

Where next


19th – 20th March 2024: Ofsted Inspection Dear Parents and Carers, We are pleased to share positive comments from our recent Ofsted inspection and celebrate…

Harriers Banbury Academy is a GOOD school

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