Pupil Premium


What will we use our funding for in 2023-24?

Read the full statement here: Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2023-24
including the impact report for 2022/2023.

The full document reports on:

  • School Overview
  • Funding Overview
  • Statement of intent
  • Challenges
  • Intended outcomes
  • Activity in this academic year
  • Wider Strategies
  • Review of outcomes in the previous academic year
  • Externally provided programmes

The date of the next Pupil Premium strategy review is July 2024

For further details and past reports, please see:

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2023-24

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2022-23

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2021-22

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2020-21

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2019-20

Where next


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Harriers Banbury Academy is a GOOD school

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