Physical Education at Harriers Banbury

Intent, Implementation and Impact



At Harriers Banbury Academy, we intend for all of our pupils to leave school with a love of being active and with the knowledge and skills to equip them to live a healthy and active lifestyle. We want to encourage pupils to participate in sport both for fun and competitively and become confident young sportspeople. We believe that PE, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, plays a unique and vital contribution to a pupil’s physical and mental health and well-being.

Our curriculum and range of extra-curricular activities strives to promote this through teaching specific, fundamental skills that progress across the years starting from our nursery pupils. At break and lunchtimes, we want pupils to choose to be active through offering them a range of equipment and activities to explore and participate in.

Within our PE curriculum, we focus on ensuring pupils are:

  • Confident to have a go at new activities
  • Aware of what contributes to a healthy lifestyle
  • Become team members
  • Learning rules and tactics of sports
  • Resilient
  • Given the opportunity to participate in competitive sports
  • Have higher self-esteem
  • Developing motor competence

We also work with our community to encourage and support parents in leading healthy lifestyles so our pupils are aware of the importance of this from multiple sources.


Curriculum lessons

Our PE curriculum has a clear progression of knowledge and skills that builds year on year so that pupils are learning and remembering more. We use Get Set 4 PE to support staff to be confident PE teachers but adapt each lesson to ensure the skills and knowledge target the areas needed by our pupils. From year 2 to year 6, we teach 2 hours of PE each week to ensure pupils have the opportunity to develop skills and we do this through a range of indoor and outdoor PE lessons.


We are also part of the North Oxfordshire School Sports partnership and receive many benefits through this. All of our key stage 1 pupils participate in a multi skills festival at a local secondary school and across key stage 2, pupils compete against other schools in a range of sports. This includes targeted events for those who have a SEND and those who are less active. Within school, we also plan to run inter year group competitions to promote fair competition and teamwork. Each year, we celebrate school sports week and hold a sports day which allows parents and pupils to participate in competitions.


The importance of water safety has been highly evidenced and we provide our key stage 2 pupils with the opportunity to learn to swim. If we have pupils who still can’t swim in year 6, we offer them boosters to try and get them to reach their 25m.


At Harriers Banbury Academy Banbury Academy, we have worked hard to provide a range of extra-curricular clubs so that there is something on offer for everyone. Some of our clubs include: ballet, gymnastics, forest school, football and fitness. We also have made links with the local community and have been fortunate enough to have Oxford United in to provide training clubs for both key stage 1 and 2. At lunchtime, we have had the youth activators in to promote active lunchtimes and this has included mental health through sports training for some of our year 6 pupils. We also have a girls and boys football team who train weekly and participate in football matches.

Brain breaks

As a school, there has been a big push on brain breaks within school and each class takes time out of their learning to complete quick, active brain breaks to help them stay active and focus on their tasks.

Our community

This year, we have been lucky enough to have a grant and we have used this to provide outdoor gym equipment that both our families and pupils can access before and after school. Each year group also gets to use this throughout the week.


We try to promote leadership at Harriers Banbury Academy Banbury Academy Banbury Academyand offer each year group the chance to lead a session for a younger class. We also have a health and fitness council who meet to provide feedback on how we could improve sport in the school. Finally, we have playground leaders who have been trained from our NOSSP and provide activities for pupils younger than them at break and lunchtime.


From the pupil voice, it is clear that the majority of our pupils love PE and are starting to be aware of the importance of participating in regular activity and living a healthy lifestyle. From the wide variety of clubs we have provided, there has been a high uptake and we have even had waiting lists for some of our clubs. Our pupils are beginning to be a lot more resilient and are becoming team players.

Where next


19th – 20th March 2024: Ofsted Inspection Dear Parents and Carers, We are pleased to share positive comments from our recent Ofsted inspection and celebrate…

Harriers Banbury Academy is a GOOD school

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